Friday, February 5, 2010


we watched the movie 'Skin' last Wednesday and like I may have said on the first video blog, it was a movie that deeply moved me, an extraordinary story that has made me even more interested in this country and its people. The whole experience that she went through and the way she was treated was appalling to say the least. it explicitly showed the power of racism. I am sure the acts committed in the movie did not fall short of embarrassing the white minority in the country. not that they are all at fault but there were white south africans who sat at the back row and cried during the movie.

interestingly enough, another SIT staff member who also helps us with the academic side held a small debrief after the movie. he watched Invictus 3 times in the cinemas and told us that every single time, white South Africans sit in the back row and many of them cried during the movie, despite Invictus being such a "triumphant" movie. I really recommend seeing 'Skin'. I probably won't show in the Philippines but it might have shown/be showing in the States. another interesting note is seeing how south africans (all races) react to certain scenes in Skin, which definitely won't be the same as seeing it in American cinemas.

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